Most list brokers often pull data based on aggregated or entire ZIP Codes (5 digit, 3 digit, or SCF). This is far too crude when targeted location really matters. ZIP Codes vary in size across the U.S. and can be tens of square miles, resulting in many unneeded names. The downsides are obvious... increased list rental costs, increased mailing costs, and lower response rates.
Store Marketing
Affinitas offers "Rooftop" (sometimes called "Site Level") radius selections. We have the ability to select your list based on a radius surrounding an actual location from the street address. With street-level, or "rooftop," radius selection, you only get the addresses falling within the selected radius. This is critical when the selection area is very small or when there are penalties for mailing to the "wrong" area. If you think your list provider is already giving you the lat/long information, make sure you ask if it's ZIP+4 based or rooftop based. The difference can be substantial.
Trade Area Marketing
We go one step further than other list brokers / compilers. We have developed our rooftop multi radius count system with the ability to select the "nearest household" between multiple locations. If you select two or more locations that have overlapping radius coverage areas, our software will look at each household and tell you which location it is "closest" to. For multi-store locations or franchises, we can handle hundreds, even thousands, of multi radius rooftop store locations as we currently do mailings for Fortune 1000 retail chains.
Specific Demographics
Also, our clients can target the most commonly selected consumer demographics. You can target by Exact Age, Estimated Age, Estimated Income, Median Income, Estimated Home Value, Median Home Value, Occupation, Presence of Children, Length of Residence, Marital Status, and many others. Our counts allow you to determine how many records fall into each predefined demographic group, making your list selection more accurate and efficient.
Contact us for more information.